Phantom Limb, Plywood, vinyl, sailing rope and marine grade steel, Installation, Spacex, 2014
What if science could give you what nature cannot, 4min HD Video Loop with sound Installation, Spacex, 2014
Island Chain, Charcoal on paper, 250 x 400cm, Concealed Installation, Spacex, 2014
Cycles I & II, digital print on laminated paper, 84 x 60cm, 2014
Lode and Two Cherry Trees, Charcoal on Paper, 200 x 350cm, Installation view, Shade, Twelve Around One Gallery, London, 2014
Group Show with Nick Jensen, Christian Newby, Phil Root, Ben Sansbury & Fred Sorrell
Island Chain, oil on canvas, 30x40cm 2014
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagne hog! oil on canvas, 25x30cm with painted wooden frame, 2014
Everything, oil on hessian, 30 x 35cm, 2014
A brancy tree and clinging vine, charcoal on paper 250 x 150cm, 2014, Instalation at Belmacz, London